Source: Wikimedia Commons
Science is a rapidly evolving discipline. Every day, new findings in medicine, chemistry, biology, physics, computer science, and environmental science are published to push the frontiers of science. In a world where scientific progress is made at breathtaking speeds, it easy to ignore not only the people behind the experiments but also the vast histories that set the foundation for modern scientific achievement. However, history is at the heart of science. By studying the history of scientific discoveries, we bear witness to the trials, triumphs, and tragedies that scientists before us endured to bring us to the modern era of science. Our team members aim to pay homage to the scientists and major scientific discoveries of the past, paying especially close attention to underrepresented minorities who have been largely erased from scientific narratives. In doing so, we hope to gain a deeper appreciation for the wide diversity of thought across science and humanize what can often be a cold, unfeeling discipline.